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Saltwater Euphoria Podcast Ep 34

"Mongo Offshore" with Jeremy Cox

In Episode 34, our host, Captain Ricky Wheeler, talks with Jeremy Cox about his tournament called MONGO Offshore Challenge. It's a new stykle of tournament format going into its 5th year that allows more opportunity for anyone to have a shot at winning. Ricky and Jeremy also go into discussing the Gulf Tournament Fishing Scene and the billfishery itself as well.

To learn more about the Mongo Offshore Challenge Fishing Tournament and to enter go to:

If you would like our host, Ricky Wheeler, to help you sell your boat/yacht or help you with searching for and buying a boat/yacht, please email:

To fish with our host, Captain Ricky Wheeler, aboard his beautiful 60' Custom Sportfishing Boat, go to

For online fishing courses, go to our website

CLICK HERE to see the Saltwater Euphoria Job Board

If you are a Sportfishing Mate, Sportfishing Captain, or an aspiring mate or captain looking for an opportunity, please email us at and we will get you on our SE Job Board. Send your up-to-date resume, a picture or two of yourself, and a short cover letter stating who you are and the type of work/sportfishing program you are looking to work with.  

Saltwater Euphoria Podcast Sponsors:

+Euphoria Sportfishing -

You can follow the following on Instagram:

CaptainRickyWheeler: @CaptainRickyWheeler

Saltwater Euphoria: @SaltwaterEuphoria

Euphoria Sportfishing: @EuphoriaSportfishing

Mongo Offshore: @Mongo Offshore

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